Voice, Breath, Songs

Episode 93 Hunting Realizations

Episode 93 Hunting Realizations

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Author’s Bio

Harry Palmer is the creator of The Avatar® Course. He founded Star’s Edge International, the seminar management corporation that supervises the delivery of the Avatar® Materials. He is also an author, his first book “Living Deliberately” (currently available in 20 languages) describes his personal path to enlightenment and the subsequent insights that were to become the foundation of the three-section, nine-day Avatar® Course. He also wrote Private Lessons and The Way We Came which is featured in this series.

What was shared in this episode:

This episode is the first of the series where Ariane reads the first chapter of “The Way We Came” by Harry Palmer. Ariane attended the Avatar® course in 2001 for the first time. She teaches the course in the USA and Europe since 2007.

Excerpt from the book:

“About the title of this book

The Way We Came is about a self-evolvement journey to a higher awareness. In terms of doingness, it begins with imitating, evolves to exploring, and culminates in creating. In terms of beingness, it begins with identity, evolves to “I am”, and culminates in Source Being.

The Avatar Path is a breadcrumb trail of human potential courses for anyone who wishes to accelerate his or her own evolvement to higher consciousness.”

Let’s contemplate more possibilities to life than what we think is possible.

In this episode of the Creator Mindset Podcast:

  • Prologue
  • Book 1: Solid Foundations
  • Chapter 1: Hunting Realizations
  • The Three-Ticket-Special

Key Takeaways:

The secret is “nothing can harm a Source Being”.

Realizations are the building blocks of self-evolvement, each one you have is a step toward greater wisdom and freedom.

Preconceptions and assertions prevent realizations.

Surrendering one’s attachment to right and wrong brings a fresh clarity; respecting differences in viewpoints loosens the grip of unawareness, and practicing compassion and reverence deepens one’s insights.


The Way We Came, a book from Harry Palmer

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