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Guest’s Bio
Cathy K. lives in New York City with her husband and daughter. She has been an Avatar® Master for many years.
What is shared in this episode
Do you live your life deliberately or by default? Are you deciding from within or because it is the way people do things? Cathy realised when she did the Avatar® course that she had been operating on ideas of how things should be. In today’s episode, Cathy shares how doing the course reshuffled her life and how she started making decisions that were really leading to the life she wanted to live.
In this episode of the Creator Mindset Podcast
- Cathy’s life before the Avatar® course
- How did she met her Avatar® master
- Her inspiration to take the course
- How Avatar® helped her made better decisions
Key Takeaway from this episode
- Before the Avatar® course: making choices by default
- Cathy changed the course of her life by deciding how she wanted it to unfold
- Get on your path, everything you’d like to create will happen
Connect with Cathy
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