Voice, Breath, Songs

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Bio of the Artist

Ariane Leanza Heinz works with people of all ages.

She is the author of the book “A Matter of Voice”, of the online course “Shine” and of the workshop “Voice Clarity for Success”.

She teaches the Avatar ® Course regularly in Switzerland and internationally (a course on how to discover how your consciousness works, increase your happiness and success).

Ariane runs a successful Vocal practice in Zürich where artists, anchors, professionals, speakers, teens and children come to get to know their voice from inside out.

Ariane’s work is based on some of her core values, which are “presence” and “efficiency”.

She works with different techniques to bring out the best voice out of each of her clients.

She guided beautiful artists like Mélanie René, Mané, Bastian Baker, Scott Irribarra, Al Pride, Arika Kane and more on their path.

She currently works with companies like TEDx Zürich, CNN Money Switzerland, and Disney Research Zurich to help professionals, speakers, and TV anchors optimize their breathing and get voice clarity for their message to reach the heart of their audience.

Passionate about the voice and the human nature she started teaching at the age of 14. She studied pedagogy, music and piano at the Conservatory of Music in Geneva and was hired after her studies at the Music Conservatory as the youngest teacher in the faculty.

After running a successful music studio for a few years in Geneva, she decided take a leap of faith and moved to New York City on a student visa.

For ten years, she experienced a lot, like studying with Céline Dion’s vocal coach (William Riley) and build a successful musical practice in the city. She enjoyed working in the studio with recording artists. She organized concerts and guided young artists on their career.

Their love for Switzerland called them back to their home country in 2010.

She now works in Zürich in her private vocal practice.

What was shared in this episode

This episode is the Ariane’s interview by Rosemarie Ballmer . Rosemarie is a top expert for online dating and successful love relationships in German-speaking countries. She has a virtual summit called Everlasting Love Summit where Ariane is one of the speakers. They discussed how to align and find your inner voice and let it shine.

In this episode of the Creator Mindset Podcast

  • Ariane’s back story
  • The benefits of non-singers to train with Ariane
  • The true meaning of inner voice
  • Difference between instinct and intuition
  • Ariane’s branding and coaching program
  • A Matter of Voice

Key Takeaway from this episode

  • Perfection is not real, it is a mask
  • What we are inside, is what we see outside
  • A fundamental thing that we have to build inside is trust
  • I know that there is hatred in this world; to not spread that hate we have to do five times the work of kindness and spreading love to compensate with the hatred
  • It’s so much easier to criticize, to stay in our comfort zone and to hate than it is to love to progress and to be kind

Check out this episode!