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Bio of the Artist
Melyz is a singer-songwriter of Mauritian origin. Growing up in a multi-lingual family, it has influenced the way she writes, composes and sings. Surrounded by music all her life, she started performing on stage at the age of 7, for a charity event. Six years later she entered a performing art school in Nyon, Switzerland (Les Ateliers du Funambule).
In 2010 she moved to the UK to study music, and attended two different music universities- ACM (Academy of Contemporary Music) and BIMM (Brighton Institute of Modern Music).
After graduating from the latter, she had the privilege of representing Switzerland in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2015, under her name – Mélanie René.
Ever since, she has been working on establishing her own identity as a solo artist, and developing her sound. Her music style oscillates between pop, electro and rock. Growing and learning from her previous experiences, she has decided to change her stage name to match her musical style;
And so MELYZ was created…
What was shared in this episode
Ariane and Melyz sat down to talk about the latest update from Melyz. She is formerly known as Mélanie René. Nowadays, she is busy preparing her debut EP and an upcoming gig this 8th of June.
In this episode of the Creator Mindset Podcast
- Dancefloor
- How did you come about the idea of doing something personal
Key Takeaway from this episode
I took all of your advice all the work that we did together to to find something that was more personal
Connect with Melyz