Voice, Breath, Songs

Episode #83 Journey from high school student to Releasing her 4 Songs EP

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Bio of the artist

Brianna Vacca is a rising Indie Pop singer/songwriter from New Jersey. Her reputation is well known for writing intimate, raw subject matters and addressing truths that really hits home. Truths that are so easily hidden, but suddenly recovered while reliving the highs and lows of reality. “Every song that I write conveys a different theme. Whether I’m painting an image, or addressing a topic, I want people to listen and say, “it’s like I’ve actually lived that song,” that’s what I want.

What was shared in this episode

Brianna shared her music through her song can’t help myself from loving you.

In this episode of the Creator Mindset Podcast

  • Brianna’s backstory
  • Her process of songwriting
  • How did she make an EP
  • Learn her preparations for a gig

Key Takeaways from this episode

  • Follow your heart
  • Do what you want to the best of your ability

Connect with Brianna

Check out this episode!