Voice, Breath, Songs

Episode #62 Private Lessons 3 to 5

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Bio of the artist

Harry Palmer is the creator of The Avatar Course. He founded Star’s Edge International, the seminar management corporation that supervises the delivery of the Avatar Materials. He is also an author, his first book “Living Deliberately” (currently available in 20 languages) describes his personal path to enlightenment, and the subsequent insights that were to become the foundation of the three-section, nine-day Avatar Course. He also wrote Private Lessons which is featured in this series.

What was shared in this episode:

This episode is the second of the series where Ariane reads the book “Private Lessons” by Harry Palmer. Ariane attended the Avatar® course in 2001. She teaches the course in the USA and Europe since 2007. “Private Lessons” is a collection of golden nuggets of wisdom which explain some of the advanced Avatar® courses concepts. Listen in as we reflect on the first part of the book.

In this episode of the Creator Mindset Podcast:

  • Lesson Three – Scales
  • Lesson Four – Paradigms
  • Lesson Five – Start by building in mind

Key Takeaways from this episode

  • The imposition of meaningful scalar orders upon the universe is the fundamental purpose of consciousness
  • The word paradigm is defined as a conceptual structuring of beliefs and data into a useful representation of reality
  • Be fruitful and multiply


The Avatar Path 2: Private Lessons

The Avatar Course

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Avatar® is a registered trademarks of Star’s Edge, Inc.

Check out this episode!