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Bio of the artist:
Steve Palfreyman is a musician and entrepreneur from Australia. He’s spent his entire adult life in the music industry, pumping up creative projects from the ground up. From festivals to management, social media to overarching marketing strategy, he’s had a busy 13+ years in the industry. Steve’s worked with national icons and acts you’ve never heard of. Literally hundreds of them. Through all of this, his biggest passion has become building thriving tribes of fans for his clients and his own creation, the Music Launch Hub. He hosts the Music Launch Summit, the world’s largest virtual music conference and is here to help you use the power of community building to launch your music career.
What he shares in this episode:
Musicians sometimes struggle with creating their music and songs. At times, they experience an artist block. How can an artist pass through that experience? Is it necessary for a creative to experience such? What can you do if you are in that situation? That is why, in this episode, Steve discussed the importance of an online community. He and Ariane spoke about digital tribes, what it looks like and how it can help others. Steve also enlightens the listeners of how marketing and creativity can help all artists, and how you can build followers that surrounds you rather than underneath you.
In this episode of the Creator Mindset Podcast:
- How to build a tribe around your mission that puts your creativity at the center
- How to grow a tribe online to get your creative project turn into a launch rather than a release
- The importance of building a community online
- The difference between community and fans
- What is a tribe community
- Implementing marketing strategies for creatives
- The proper way to do marketing for artists
- 3 important keys to starting a marketing strategy for artists
- Tips to help them maximize creativity and community at the same time
- How to set up your own “Digital Centerpiece”
Key takeaways:
- If you feel like you’re struggling even if you’ve got social media followers but no engagement; the solution is to start a community-based approach rather than trying to build a fan base
- An online community is your focus group. It is having people that help you when you are not feeling creatively minded
- Today is not about being perfect. Today is about getting stuff out there giving it too great people
- People are not terrible at marketing, they are terrible at communicating
- If you are struggling to build a fanbase, it’s because you don’t have a reason yet for people to come and hang out with you
- Getting the people part isn’t difficult but getting them to spend time with you is the hard bit
- Nothing matters other than doing it openly
- Think about what your audience want and self-awareness of who you are as an artist
- Tell your story in a way that you want to do it. Build your system. Take ideas from events and plug so you can create your own playbook
- When you put in the work, make sure to take people on the journey