Voice, Breath, Songs

EPISODE #4 How to Take the Leap and Become an Artist

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Bio of the artist:

As a Creative consultant Maureen Edgecomb Supports and guide others to develop their full creative potential, design their ideal work environment and bring their amazing work out into the world where it belongs. She has published several feature magazine articles and written and illustrated children’s picture books including the popular Gigi and Jacques children book series. She has been featured on PBS for children’s art appreciation and has written commercials for television. Clients include Caesar’s entertainment and Hampton art stamps among others. After several years of writing, publishing and illustrating she continues to produce her work as well as helps several others transition from their corporate, business or other left brained world to realising their dreams of a creative life. Maureen left the world of academia where she was a professor of English, art and humanities I order to pursue her lifelong dream of producing her creative work full time.

What she shares on this episode:

When you are creative in your soul this creative urge keeps knocking on the door. This urge could be anything, a childhood dream or just an intuition. We shove our creative ideas and dreams in the background so that we can deal with real life situations. As artists it can be intimidating to defy the norm but if we can just muster enough courage to listen, our horizons are endless. On this episode Maureen shares her story on taking the leap.

In this episode of the creator mindset podcast:

  • How she became an artist.
  • Overcoming challenges along the way

Key takeaways:

  • Change your focus and priorities and pursue your dream.
  • Connect with yourselves
  • Follow your intuition
  • Take that leap of faith

Connecting with the artist:

Website: http://maureenedgecomb.com/